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Exhibition Introduction

Ciamite. Shanghai 2020 International Material Analysis Laboratory Technology Exposition is a one-stop trade platform for materials research and development, scientific research, trial production and testing. We strive to build a larger business platform where new ideas can flourish; where professionals in the fields of material research, material testing and material trial-production can participate in various symposiums, symposiums and forums and pay attention to the latest industry solutions. Our goal is to develop with China's material research industry, and to be a partner of enterprises in the field of material analysis and testing, laboratory technology and equipment in exploring the Chinese market.

Ciamite. Shanghai 2020 is a sister exhibition of Ciamite, the largest exhibition in the field of material science and technology in China. As a benchmark exhibition platform in the field of material science and technology in China, Ciamite brings together more than 220 + well-known brands from home and abroad. In 2019, a series of exhibitions was held in Chengdu, covering an area of more than 12,000 square meters. It receives professional audiences and material analysis experiments. Ciamite's position in the field of material science and technology has been greatly consolidated by more than 11,000 people in the field of laboratory industry.

Ciamite. Shanghai 2020 looks forward to meeting you in Pudong, Shanghai.

Exhibition News
Industry News
Exhibition EDM
  • 携手行业品牌,强强联手、优势共建”材质分析“行业新生态
    2019年11月,北京,中国仪器仪表学会分析测试分会、分析测试百科网正式宣布达成战略合作伙伴关系,共同协作“上海国际材质分析展”,展会将于2020年2月19-21日在上海浦东新国际博览中心W1馆举办。 中国仪器仪表学会分析测试分会作为国家级的分析测试行业组织,在引领行业发展、推动仪器仪表行业分 析测试领域建设贡献着智慧和力量;分析测试百科网是面向分析测试领域内的技术专家和采购决策者的专业资讯门户和用户社区、提供仪器求购、招标、展会和仪器相关资料等信息服务,覆盖了化学分析、实验室设备领域,是国内一流的B2B平台;狮威展览在材料分析领域市场根植15载,依托主办单位中国材料研究学会的资源和行业沉淀的优势,已经淀积了雄厚的品牌实力,举办的Ciamite展已成为行业风向标。 此次三方合作,将共同注入强大的行业资源,集中优势、共建共赢,最大程度地为上下游提供更广阔的商 贸合作及技术交流平台,为行业人士打造不可错过的年度盛会。 2020上海国际材质分析展与AEE航空技术展、智慧工业展联袂举办,共同吸引超过500家展商和20,000名 专业观众。
  • 材质分析行业全新亮相,展位火热销售中
    作为亚太地区针对材料分析和测试行业重要的专业性展会,上海国际材质分析与实验室技术展览会将于2020年2月19日-21日在上海新国际博览中心W2展馆全新亮相,展位销售正在火热进行中。 以“打造亚太地区材料科技工作者交流平台”为主旨的上海国际材质分析展将打造一个辐射材料分析测试与实验室技术产业链,集材料分析测试、材料检测、生产制造过程的质量控制、实验室技术设备于一体的有效商贸平台,同期举办多场专业论坛及商务活动,向产业链各端专业人士把握行业脉搏,获取创新解决方案的途径。
  • 材质分析汇集浦东,2020年首场专业展
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